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Welcome to the training content of Frenkit, leading company in the manufacturing of brake repair kits for cars and light comercial vehicule.

Caliper Repair

1 | How to repair your front floating caliper

In this video we will learn the basics to repair any brake caliper on the market. Today we will work on the front floating caliper.

2 | How to repair your rear floating caliper

Basics of repairing your vehicle's brake calipers. In this case, we are going to focus on repairing a floating rear caliper.

3 | How to repair your fixed brake caliper

We are going to teach you the basics of caliper repair on your vehicle. In this video we will focus on the fixed caliper with pistons facing each other.

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4 | How to remove and fit a brake caliper on the vehicle

In this Frenkit video we will learn the basics to repair any brake caliper of any vehicle, in particular, we will learn how to remove it from the vehicle, repair it and reassemble it.

5 | How to clean and paint your brake caliper

Discover in this Frenkit video the basics to repair the brake calipers of a vehicle. Today we will see how to clean the brake caliper and how to protect it from rust.

6 | Types of clamp-on dust caps and how to mount them

We will teach you the basics of repairing the calipers of your vehicle. In this video I will show you how to assemble caliper dust covers.

7 | Types of slides, their dust caps and how to mount them

We will teach you the basics of repairing brake calipers on your vehicle. In particular, we will focus on the repair and assembly of the guide rails and the guide dust covers.

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